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Category Archives: appetizers

Spiced Brown Sugar Honey Pecans

Once you start eating these you just can’t stop, they are seriously addictive so beware! I also just wanted to talk about why so many of my recipes specify kosher salt or sea salt. Kosher salt and sea salt have a much larger grain and tend to be much less salty that regular table salt, […]

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Olive Crackers

A new Ottolenghi favourite of mine. I have never dabbled with cracker making before and these were so simple to do and an absolute hit for a warm tapas style entrĂ©e with a dip or just to eat cold as a snack along the way. As it says in the book “you will never need […]

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Chorizo with Potatoes & Watercress

This recipe is in tribute to Barrafina in London. On a recent trip back to my old home city I managed to persuade a good friend into dining Tapas style, I say persuade as understandably she thought it a slightly odd request coming from someone who lives in Spain, but I really love this place […]

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